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CES Watch: Trade-Ins on the Rise Says Gazelle
Last week during CES, Gazelle (, the nation's largest "RECOMMERCE" service released the results of a survey that polled more than 300 attendees at International CES and gauged likely Consumer Electronic purchase and resale trends in 2011 vis-a-vis 2010. The survey aimed to better understand not only the types of electronics that CES attendees plan to purchase this year and how they differ from last year, but also how many attendees traded in or resold their used electronics in 2010 and how many plan to in 2011.
>> The study pointed to an overall 51% increase in those who plan to resell or trade-in their used electronics in 2011 as opposed to 2010 with 60% planning to RECOMMERCE their gadgets.
>> Research also found that 73% polled purchased a cell phone or smartphone in 2010.
>> 32% purchased tablets in 2010 and more than one-third of respondents plan to upgrade their tablet in 2011.
>> 64% of respondents plan to purchase a new cell/smartphone, while 39% plan to purchase laptops, and 33% plan to purchase new tablets
The press release offers additional findings covering trends in laptops and tablets, as well as digital cameras and MP3 players.
Gazelle accepts hundreds of thousands of consumer electronic trade-ins each year, giving it unique insight into U.S. consumption habits. The company has been devoting time at CES to better understanding how purchase and resale patterns may change in 2011 and why the changes may occur.
Source: Gazelle