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Trend: comScore MobiLens Results Unveiled
On Friday, comScore, a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital business analytics, released data from their comScore MobiLens service, which covers key trends in the U.S. mobile phone industry.
During the three month average period ending April 2011, the company found from its survey of more than 30,000 U.S. mobile subscribers, that Samsung is the top handset manufacturer overall with 24.5 percent market share. Google Android led among smartphone platforms with 36.4 percent market share. HP-Palm's share of market continued to drop (2.6% from 3.2% in January's 3-month survey). Research in Motion dropped 4.7%. 55.9% of the smartphone market is made up of devices that use either Google Android or Apple iOs platforms.
There wasn't a noticeable change in how mobiles were being used with accessing social networking, playing games and downloading apps growing just over 2%.
MobiLens data is derived from an intelligent online survey of a nationally representative sample of mobile subscribers age 13 and above.
Source: comScore