Both PalmInfoCenter, and Brighthand are reporting that a Japanese company called C-Guys is developing a Palm OS compatible SD 802.11b card.
C-guys currently sells a version of their card for Pocket PC devices, and are in development of OS 5 drivers. The card is very small, weighing in at 20 grams, and dimensions of 24 (W) x 55 (L) x 2.1(T) mm. More importantly, the power consumption is lower than any other previous card. While transmitting, the card uses on average 260 mA, where while inactive it uses 10 mA, and it can go as low as 1.5 mA.
Power is the important factor with the Treo 600, as some users may recall - SanDisk has had troubles making their cards work with Treos because the Treo does not provide enough power to support the card. If the Treo is unable to provide enough power, the card may not have as great of as a range. We will hopefully find out soon if this new C-guys SD 802.11b card works with the Treo 600.