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The HP Veer is Coming May 15 to... AT&T??
PreCentral Liveblogging "The Event"
Starts at 10am Pacific
CES Watch: DRY-ALL's New Product Remedies Wet Smartphones
Launched at CES, the Kit can dry in as little as 6 hours...
Gorilla Glass Gains Fans
A winner for the iPhone and 280 gadgets from 20 brands...
10% off Treo and Centro Accessories for Cyber Monday
Use Coupon Code TC1129 to get 10% off all Treo and Centro accessories in the TreoCentral Store. Valid until midnight PST on Tuesday, November 30th
Is Cell Phone Insurance Worth It?
Palm OS Sighting: Aceeca PDA 32
Little Red Treo
HP's Rahul Sood fondly recalls his first Palm devices...
Treo 680 Sighting -- Miami
Amazon Pushes Unlocked Treos
Way Back Machine: Treo Pro an Android Prototype?!
Treo Pro Sighting: Philusa's Sales Force
Treo Pro - Nominees for the Best Case are...
Hard, soft, fitted and more. See which cases are favored by the Academy of Treo Pro users.
Throwback time: A look at the Palm Treo 700w
Palm's very first Windows Mobile device discussed...
Over? Not Quite. New PalmOS Devices Coming Soon...
New Zealand company to unveil Palm OS v5 RDA this year
Tip: Unlocked Treo Pro for just $179!
Dell Daily Deal is best price yet...
TreoPro & Army Go...
Story in Government Computer News identifies Army Go Mobile devices
The Smartphone Round Robin is Underway!
Follow along. Learn along with the editors. Register for Prizes.
Centros are Scarce but Available...
Deal on Unlocked Treo Pro and Amazon make compelling offer...
Screen Protection Plus Style for Half Off...
Check out this option for dress up (and protecting) your Treo Pro
That's Just Swell... GSM Upgrade Knocks Out Treo 680 Phone Calls
T-Mobile users in UK and U.S. are among those impacted.
Coming Soon! Palm Pixi due to land at Sprint on Nov 15
The sibling to the Palm Pre to run $99.99 with rebates & two-year contract...
Review: The Astounding Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth Headset
The little sister of the ginormous Voyager Pro holds its own on the techie side while stepping it up with some eyeball popping features...
OtterBox Unveils Defender Series for Palm Treo Pro
Looking for a case that offers armor car-like protection (handling drops, bumps, dust, shock and more)? Read on...
Palm Welcomes webOS-based Pixi to the Family
Thinnest phone yet, is fast, intuitive and fashionable...
OtterBox Unveils Impact Series for Palm Treo Pro
New case offers added protection balanced with convenience...
Don't Try This at Home: Deep Fried Treo
Xeni Jardin drops a couple Treos into the deep fat fryer
A Look at the Best Selling Stereo Headsets
A quick rundown of the best sellers for Centro and Treo Pro owners. Lots of multi-taskers here.
A Look at the Best Selling Bluetooth Headsets
A quick look at the best sellers for Centro and Treo Pro owners. There's something at every price point.
AT&T Treo 680 Owners -- ROM Update Ahead
Download now or risk not being able to continue using your Treo after September 15...
Top 5 Best Selling Centro Cases
Does your Centro need some "love"? Check out the cases that dominate our best seller list.
Longtime Palm User Weighs in on the Pre...
Craig at GearBits describes his experience moving from a Centro to a Pre.
PC World's Quick Video Review of the Treo Pro
Lauren B's quick look at the Palm Treo Pro --sleek, well-connected WM device that's sometimes hot...
Unlocked GSM Treo Pro Now only $399
Palm has dropped the price on the unlocked GSM Treo Pro to a very attractive $399
Review: Sprint Treo Pro
I've spent some time with the unlocked GSM version of the Treo Pro. Now I've had a chance to run the Sprint CDMA Treo Pro through its paces. Let's take a look...
PreCentral's Palm Pre Review
Dieter has posted up an extensive Palm Pre review over at our sister site, and you don't want to miss it...
Treo Pro Now Available in Mexico on Iusacell
The CDMA version of the Treo Pro is now available on Iusacell.
It's Official: Palm Pre Releases on June 6th, $199 after contract
We finally know when the Pre will be released, and even know the price!!
Buyer Beware: Check the Sprint Treo Pro ROM Before You Buy
The TreoCentral Forums have been afire with discussion about the Sprint Treo Pro. Many devices sold on eBay are sporting a pre-release version of the ROM that may prevent you from getting warranty support.
Sprint Treo Pro: Your Questions Answered
We asked if anybody in the TreoCentral forums had questions about the Sprint Treo Pro and dang if you didn't. Slightly delayed but fortified with some nitty gritty details from Autonomous GPS to Titan to Program Memory, here are some technical details on the Sprint Treo Pro.
Full review coming soon!
Sprint Treo Pro Unboxing and Hands-on
We have the Sprint Treo Pro here at TreoCentral. Read on for a video unboxing and a quick look at the new version of Internet Explorer!
Centro, iPhone, and that Other Reading Device (Kindle 2)
Bibliophiles need their books, and I'll read my books any way I can...
Palm Pre Massive Hands-On Gallery
We had the Palm Pre in our hands today -- take a look at the pictures, including comparison shots!
Palm Announces Palm Pre
Palm has finally let us know about that New-ness today; the new smartphone is the Palm Pre....
Round Robin: Treo Pro Final Thoughts
I'm back home with my Palm Treo Pro as the Round Robin has wound down. I've written up my final thoughts...
Round Robin: Treo Pro Video Review
The Round Robin is over, and I'm back home with the Palm Treo Pro at last...
Round Robin: TreoCentral iPhone 3G Final Review
I'm done with round 4 in which I've been using an iPhone 3G in the Round Robin, and I've written my final review...
Round Robin: TreoCentral iPhone 3G Video 1st Look
I have the iPhone 3G this time in the Round Robin, and I'm enjoying it so far...
Round Robin: TreoCentral G1 Final Review
My time is up with the T-Mobile G1 and I've written up my final thoughts on this sweet Android smartphone...
Round Robin: WMExperts on the Treo Pro
Dieter now has the Palm Treo Pro in the Round Robin, and he's put up his video review...
Round Robin: BlackBerry Bold Final Review
My time with the BlackBerry Bold is up, so I've written my final review...
Round Robin: TiPb Treo Pro Video Preview
Rene Ritchie over at our sister site The iPhone blog now has his hands on the Palm Treo Pro, and he's posted his video preview...
Round Robin: TreoCentral on the BlackBerry Bold
I'm on my second smartphone in the Round Robin. This time I've got hold of the Bold.... on the Treo Pro
Our Round Robin Continues -- reviews the Treo Pro
Treo Pro Body Cracks
Some Treo Pro owners are discovering cracks on their devices, and the number seems to be growing...
Palm's New Holiday Color Centros for Sprint Have Twice the Storage (128MB) of the Original Centro for Sprint!
Palm has officially announced two new holiday Centro colors for Sprint, which have Twice the storage of the original Sprint Centro! Palm is also introducing some new lightweight Centro accessories.
Palm Treo Pro Unboxing/First Impressions
I got my Treo Pro and am sharing some unboxing pics plus my impressions so far...
Palm Treo Pro Now Available on Vodafone
The Palm Treo Pro is now showing up as available on the Vodafone Business site...
Palm Now Taking Pre-orders for Treo Pro
You can now pre-order the Palm Treo Pro over at Palm's Store...
Treo Pro Video Unboxing, Gallery, and Comparisons
Want more Treo Pro? We have you covered with both video and images of the Treo Pro as well a comparisons with its Treo brethren and the competition (read: BlackBerry Bold). Check it out!
The Thoughtful Treo Pro
Although the Treo Pro is in many ways "just another Treo" and "just another Windows Mobile Smartphone," Palm has actually put quite a lot of thought into its hardware and software design. Read on to hear what what sort of design decisions Palm made while creating the Treo Pro
Palm Announces Treo Pro
After many leaks, Palm has today officially announced the Treo Pro, their newest Windows Mobile Treo...
Celio Redfly Now Available in the TreoCentral Store
You can now purchase the Redfly in the TreoCentral Store for $499.95. Expanded compatibility for Treo 800w and Treo 500 will be here by Friday.
Forum Members Hands-On with Treo 800w
Some of our forum members already received their Treo 800w! Read on for some pics and Q&A...
Review: Palm Centro on Verizon
Let's take a look at the Centro on Verizon
Palm Announces Verizon Centro - $99 on Friday
Palm has announced availability of the Verizon Centro. It will be officially available in all channels on Friday for $99 with contract
TreoCentral Forum Member Snagged a Verizon Centro!
TreoCentral Forum member cheesehead007 received his Verizon Centro Wednesday! Read on for more details...
Picture of the Treo 800w
There's finally a picture of the Treo 800w and WMExperts has it.
Centro on Verizon
The Centro will definitely be coming to Verizon soon
AT&T Centro First Look
I've had a Glacier White Centro for about a week and got my first look at the Obsidian Black Centro today. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do!
Turn on the GPS in your Sprint Centro! Not Really. (April Fools!)
Lucky Sprint Centro owners can now activate the GPS chip in their Centros!
The Obsidian Black AT&T GSM Palm Centro is Official!
The Black GSM Centro is now official from Palm and AT&T
Another Roundup of AT&T GSM Centro Reviews
Here is another batch of reviews for the very popular AT&T Palm Centro
Palm GSM Centro Review Roundup
There are some interesting Palm GSM White Centro reviews up this week. Let's take a look at some...
AT&T Releases the Palm Centro
The GSM Centro has appeared on AT&T's online store. It's white, it's $99 after rebate, it sports the nearly the same feature set as the Treo 680
GSM Centro Available in Europe February 14th!
We knew it was coming from all the rumors, now it's imminent: The Palm Centro available on GSM networks!
Centro Coming to T-Mobile?
At long last, Palm is going to have a product on T-Mobile's network again!
Pink Centro Now Available on Sprint, Hands-On
In a widely anticipated move, Palm and Sprint have released another color option for the Centro on Sprint -- Pink!
Sneak peek of next-gen Windows Mobile Treo at CES
During Bill Gates' CES keynote, the next-generation Windows Mobile Treo (Treo 800w/Treo 850) was briefly shown on a slide. Update: Palm has commented on the image.
Palm Treo 755p on Verizon Wireless Launching Today
Verizon announced that they're launching the Treo 755p today
Verizon Treo 755p Available?
Hmmm, the Treo 755p might just be available on Verizon from some snippets we've been getting here and there.
Palm Centro Unboxing, First Look, and Comparison Video
We unbox the new Palm Centro, compare it to some of the competing smartphones on the market today. We also take another look at the biggest X factor on the Centro: the keyboard.
PR: Official Centro annoucement
Press release: Palm Centro brings Palm ease of use to traditional mobile phone users for $99.99, exclusively from Sprint. Also, Palm's Centro website is now live.
Sneak peek of the Palm Centro
Sprint just dropped some news on us: The new Palm Centro arrives October 14th for just $99.99. TreoCentral's Dieter Bohn is at the official unveiling (starting 12:30PM EST), a full hands-on report and interviews with product managers to follow later today.
Palm Re-Posts Verizon Treo 700 Series ROM Updates
After being pulled for causing network connectivity issues, the ROM updates are finally back (but not without a little drama, of course).
Palm Launches Treo 500v in Europe
As expected, Palm has announced its first non-touchscreen Treo, a Windows Mobile Standard-edition smartphone. More inside.
Foleo - A Mobile Companion With Legs
Will the Foleo make mobile professionals have happy feet? Read this impression from the Foleo Sneak Peek.
Palm Foleo First Impressions
Andre Kibbe AKA Gameboy70 over in the TreoCentral Forums has written up his impressions of the Palm Foleo after having a chance to play with one at a recent Sneak Preview....
TreoCentral Hands-on and first impression of Foleo
Read on for a video hands-on with the Foleo and what a first impression of the Foleo (hint, it's perfectly executed, but is it needed?)
Palm's Foleo a "smartphone companion product"?
Palm's mystery "3rd category" device appears to be a compact smartphone companion product named Foleo, that let's you view and edit emails using a large screen and fullsize keyboard.
Palm Announces the Treo 755p
In a widely expected move, Palm announced the successor to the Treo 700p: the Treo 755p. Sharing the same form factor as the popular Treo 750, the PalmOS-based 755 will be available in mid-May for $279.99 with a Sprint contract.
Palm Releases WiFi Patch for All Treos (Not Really, April Fools!)
Did we getcha? It was April Fools Day today, the day for posting fake news.
Radiantly Red
Two red hot devices are available today from AT&T
Now You See It, Now You Don't
Now the Crimson Palm Treo 680 is missing from Palm's website
Copper Back on the Rack at Palm!
Love the color or hate it, the Copper Palm Treo 680 is back again. Read on.
Palm Posts Software Update for Treo 680
Palm has posted the Treo 680 Camera Update to address the battery problem on the Treo 680.
Video comparison: 680 and the 650
Read on for a video comparison of the new Treo 680 and the 650, including some form-factor comparisons of a whole slew of Treos.
Treo 680 Available on Rogers Network in Canada
Palm is good on their word to start spreading the Treo 680 across the globe posthaste. First up after the US: Rogers.
Palm Announces Treo 680 to be Released This Friday
Palm announced today that the Treo 680 will be available for the kick-off of the holiday season, Black Friday. Price: $199.99 with a 2-year contract. Read on for more details.
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