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$2 million of ads
According to a June 9th Wall Street Journal report (subscription required), Palmone is preparing to launch a massive $2 million ad campaign for the Treo in airports nationwide. The article quotes Ed Colligan, (vice president of wireless at PalmOne) stating that "We'll be pretty aggressive, You've got to have both reach and frequency in advertising." Colligan is serious; at some airports travelers will see Treo ads eight different times.
The WSJ article says that the ads center on the Treo's ability to do wireless email. They will show a picture of a Treo 600 on a white background, with a simple tagline such as "Suddenly, your laptop seems heavy", or "Suddenly, the idea of e-mail on your cellphone seems obvious".
Handspring never had the money to heavily advertise the Treo; for the launch of the Treo 600 they enginered buzz so that they would get more free exposure in news articles and discussion boards. PalmOne, on the other hand, finally has the resources to give the Treo the exposure that it deserves. These ads will certainly help increase awareness of the Treo amoung business travelers at airports, and perhaps the general public.