If you've noticed a lack of updates this past week, it's not that you are forever loading a cached version of TreoCentral.com. I have been on vacation in New York this last week, while coincidentally Marcus was on vacation in Boston during the same time. I'm back, and we have several news items and reviews to post and write.
First things first, I need to share an update about the TreoCentral FAQ. In its second week, we now have 110 entries, up 28 from last week (a 34% growth). On top of that, we have edited another 30 existing FAQ's for increased accuracy, information, and sometimes better spelling, thanks to the "Flag for Review" option. There are still thousands of questions that have gone unanswered. Did you have your question about the Treo answered on our forums? Do you have an interesting tidbit of information to share about the Treo 600? Write an FAQ entry that gets published for your question, and be entered to win a $20 gift certificate to store.treocentral.com (Thank you to store.treocentral.com for the donation)
Our second winner is shadmasterT600 for the FAQ entitled "How to use the included earbud (or any hands free with a button) to listen to MP3s?". Thank you shadmasterT600 for posting this FAQ, and good luck to all users in the future.
The TreoCentral FAQ is a fully community powered, moderated, rated, and searchable FAQ. The FAQ has been seeded with the old FAQ from treo.tc, however there are few entries, and some of them are outdated. The goal of this sytem is that our FAQ will be "live" - adjusting to whatever new information, or new solutions are available for the Treo. It relies solely on users helping out, hence the communty powered description.
Community powered means that TreoCentral users submit the FAQ entries. If you were to ask a question on the forums, and it gets answered, you can keep that knowledge enshrined in an FAQ entry forever. Moderators will then review it for accuracy and spelling before making it live on the TreoCentral.com website. Community powered also means that if anyone has a correction to make, or an addition to make on an existing FAQ, only one click of "Flag For Review" is needed to send a message to moderators to correct or change that FAQ entry. It's simple.