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Palm to Unveil Next Treo Sept. 12th.
Annnouncement Sept. 12th.
Reuters is reporting that Palm, Inc. will officially unveil the next Treo on Sept. 12th. They managed to glean a bit more information from Palm than was previously available, the article states:
"The announcement is going to be made in the UK on September 12, and we will give all the details then but at the moment all we are saying is that it will be out before the end of the year," said a Palm spokeswoman.
A September or October release is seen by analysts as vital for any firm hoping to cash in on the all-important Christmas period as they vie for shelf space with rivals' products.
While that second paragraph is just speculation about an actual release date, it is worth noting that Palm currently does not have any Treos available in the European market since they pulled the 650 because of a new law.
As reported by TreoCentral, Palm and Vodaphone had already announced that this Treo was coming - now we know when the really juicy details will be revealed. What we know now is what Palm has already stated in their original press release:
The Palm Treo smartphone that will result from this collaboration will represent an industry first by operating on Vodafone's 3G/UMTS network and delivering the hallmark Palm experience on top of the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. The new Treo smartphone will be available first to Vodafone customers in multiple European countries, including the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy and Netherlands, before the end of the calendar year.