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TreoCast Podcast
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 27
For Sept 3rd, 2007
(Note - sorry for the delay, folks, it was the Labor Day holiday yesterday in the US.)
How to listen
- Palm is listening, can they act?
- Jonathan Goldberg is trying to ride Engadget's coattails, though Motley Fool sees some silver linings (via Talkin' Treo)
- Leaked Centro Image - will it appeal to "the kids?" Will it undercut the Treo 755p?
- Treo 750v gets Windows Mobile 6 - Europe and Australia, only.
- Sprint 700wx ROM Update adds A2DP, DUN, but not threaded text, wm6.
- Foleo not delayed (technically)
Seidio 1600mAh OEM Sized Extended Battery for Treo 750, 680: An extended battery that doesn't require a larger battery door.
Freedom Mini GPS for Treo 755p, 750, 700p, 700w|wx, 680, 650: A Bluetooth GPS receiver on your keychain.
Blueant Z9 Bluetooth Headset for Treo 755p, 750, 700p, 700w|wx, 680, 650: A small headset with big noise cancellation
Good luck to Helene dealing with a bum Verizon Treo in the wake of the ROM Update madness. If you're having similar problems, be sure to check out this post at the official Palm Blog.
Mike was looking to kill off or utilize the date line on his Treo's today screen. Check out this post to hide it and this thread for the debate on what exactly our forum experts should replace it with.
- Palm Responds to Engadget's Open Letter
- What "Youth" apps should be included?
- Kinoma - they deserve more love than they get.
- Most essential apps and tweaks and why (700w|wx)
Thanks to the TreoCentral Store for sponsoring the TreoCast. You can email the TreoCast at [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at 800-557-6819 x222.
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