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Talkin Treo -- v081806
Week ending 18 August 2006
Seems that a lot of the stories this week had some sort of travel connection... planes, trains, and automobiles. I guess that's pretty normal as we close in on Labor Day. (Will holiday car travel still be popular with gasoline at over $3.00/gallon nationwide?) So let's Talk Treo!
Palm News
Flyin' in my Automobile
Palm's New GPS Solution
This week, Palm announced the Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition, featuring new TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 software. Drivers using this solution with their Treo will have voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions so that they can easily find their destination as well as millions of points of interest, including gas stations, restaurants, parks, airports and more.
At $299 (estimated U.S. street price), Palm's GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition includes a Bluetooth enabled SiRFstarIII GPS receiver, TomTom NAVIGATOR 6 software featuring the latest Tele Atlas(R) maps, a 1GB memory card with preloaded maps of the continental United States and Canada, a vehicle device cradle with windshield mount and a charging system.
Recent TreoCentral Guides, Reviews & More
Phlash Cameraphone Flash - By Jay Gross
Jay, TreoCentral's photography expert, writes
" Phlash's light is too blue, and falls off too rapidly for general shooting with Treos, but it could be a boon to the close-in people shots that phone camera bugs favor, and wonderful for those all important self portraits in dark sleazy places. Museum curators won't beat paths to your door, but for snapshots it could be a blast.
Quibbles aside, I'm definitely going to keep Phlash around, and invest in a set of spare batteries. It's not the solution to shooting pictures in low light with the Treos, but in some situations it could be the difference between a usable picture and one that's so dark it looks like a black cat eating licorice in a coal mine. My 700p in particular needs all the help it can get. Besides, I might need to find my car keys in a dark parking lot."
Managing Memory on a Treo 700w - By Dieter Bohn
This is a helpful guide for using the program memory in a Treo 700w. In this article, Dieter remarks:
" Though it pains me greatly to have to say it, perhaps the best program memory manager I have is my new "Battery Cover with reset hole". It gives me quick and easy access to the soft reset button - sometimes there's just no substitute for a reboot."
Quick Aside: Speaking of battery cover, Palm Infocenter just posted a review of the Seidio battery cover. Funny enough, a business associate of mine remarked, "the only reason that thing exists is because if you drill a hole in the original battery door yourself you void your warranty." Guess there's another reason. Thanks for pointing it out, Dieter!
Samsung WEP200 Headset - By James Hromadka
James states:
"The Samsung WEP200 Headset is the best earbud headset I have used thus far. Its diminutive size does not cause any reduced usability, and the only real issue I had with it is the reduced battery life, since most headsets today provide several additional hours of battery life. If you like earbud headsets and headphones, you will love this headset, and with its low price ($44.95), it's almost a steal."
News & Reviews from Elsewhere in the Treo Community
NYT Likes Earthcomber!
In The New York Times' Back-to-School guide, Earthcomber was included in the list of useful tools for students.
"Earthcomber offers free, downloadable maps and directories on the Internet at For users with a G.P.S. unit, Earthcomber provides maps and other information. Those without a G.P.S. must tell the hand-held device where they are located. The Web site provides access to a range of information based on location: about movie show times, bars, teller machines, Wi-Fi hot spots, restaurants, live music and more. Free maps are also available for every city and county in the United States."
Our own Harv Laser spoke kindly about Earthcomber back in March. Nice to know the NY Times concurs.
Flyin' With Your Treo
What a difference a couple of weeks make in the airline industry!
The new security rules have travelers adjusting in a big way.
Over at, there was a story about "the steps one can take to insure a pleasant experience when traveling with electronic devices such as the Treo." And Michael over at Digital Lifestyles (based in the UK) provides an update on the travel situation over there (gadgets are now being allowed back on UK flights).
I guess the word to the wise is that you may want to check with your airline to ensure you know what the restrictions are before you arrive at the airport.
Moving right along (quite literally), this next story is about your stay when you reach your destination.
Marriott Tests Checking-in Wirelessly
This week, Marriott announced that it has begun testing mobile wireless check-in for a select group of travelers to Redmond (Wash.) Marriott Town Center. Guests with Microsoft Windows Mobile-powered Smartphonesrunning the PocketPC Platform will be able to connect securely to the Redmond Marriott Town Center hotel's property management system and check in to their room while in transit to the hotel. Guests will also be able to change room types, receive welcome information and reconfirm their room rates. When they arrive at the hotel, guests retrieve their room keys from a conveniently located automated key dispenser in the lobby.
Now that's pretty cool (almost makes me want to trade-in my Treo 650 so I can try it out).
Callin' Internationally While Traveling
MINO Wireless just announced the expansion of its easy-to-use, inexpensive new mobile application for making international calls to Palm Treo phones. Treo owners can call any phone worldwide at very low rates. MINO piloted its Treo application on Handango ( and made great inroads when lots of Treo users downloaded and started using the MINO Java application right away. Because most Treo users already have a data plan, there's no incremental cost to use MINO.
Okay, and now to conclude the travel portion of Talkin' Treo with one last piece. .
There's a story making the rounds about the new "Snakes on a Plane" movie, which stars Samuel L. Jackson and the Treo in a cameo role.
Personally, my favorite cameo of the Treo is when Ari's using his in HBO's "Entourage."
Elsewhere in the World of Treo, here are two reviews:
Making a Big Case for Treo
Andrew from Treonauts is back this week with his thoughts on the Nite Ize Side Office holster:
"Evidently the Nite Ize Side Office Holster will not be the right solution for all (Treonauts). However, doctors, students, builders, repairmen and other field workers as well as the police and military among others will undoubtedly find the extra large capacity and robust construction to be ideal."
A Bluetooth Speakerphone Companion For Your Treo
Brighthand put together a nice review of the MVox MV900 Bluetooth Speakerphone.
"Despite the USB charging oversight, the MV900 is a very nifty and versatile piece of technology, and makes a great companion to a Bluetooth phone. It's also incredibly expensive, at least compared to a Bluetooth headset, but it does have some large advantages that the other doesn't. You can clip it, stand it, wear it, use it in the noisiest environments, share the call with others, and connect it to non-Bluetooth PCs."
For comparison purposes, you might want to read the review TreoCentral's Harv Laser did on the MVox MV900 back in April.
Endnotes & Ponderables
I'm sure you've heard some variant of the old saw "I just flew in from the coast and boy are my arms tired." Well, I'll admit that all this travel talk got me kind of tired, so I'll close with this
It's so, SO Wrong!
Need I say more?
That's a wrap!