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Download BugMe! Messenger

Works with Treo 180, Treo 180g and Treo 270

Size 216k

Availability Available

BugMe! Messenger by Electric Pocket

>> Read Review (Rating 4/5) <<

BugMe! is an ingeniously simple note taker and memory jolter. Relevant and useful to everyone who owns a Palm, BugMe! has won many prestigious awards and has a growing, grateful following. BugMe! is a Palm Powered Solution, showing that it has passed rigorous testing for compatibility, usability and quality.

See TreoCentral's extensive review for more infomation...

User Opinions
Thumbs Up  55% Thumbs Down 45%

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Thumbs Up

love it
its a great program, when i get the momey to buy the full version i will..
by orfljim

Thumbs Up

Easy and worth the money
It works well, is easy to preview memos and delete them, and the screen image capture feature has come in very handy to take snapshots of my GeoView maps that come along my Geode. After getting a map centered/zoomed on the right location it's handy to take a snapshot for later reference while on a trip. New great features are supposed to be coming out in the next month or two.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

'Link to other apps'?
I'm not certain what the earlier commenter meant about diddlebug being able to 'link' to other apps, but BugMe! used to have Intellibooger support to transfer text directly to the built-in apps. Somewhere on the forum I read that they took it out of recently so they could replace it with something better (maybe based on vCard/vCal)
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Excellent application!
This is one of those apps that make you say 'why didn't I think of that?' If you ignore the messenging feature, then this is indeed similar to other apps like diddlebug (although I personally prefer the interface of BugMe! better). What really distinguishes BugMe!Messenger, though, is the ability to e-mail your notes (wirelessly, if you have a VisorPhone or Minstrel modem). You can also use the capture feature to grab a screenshot of an address, datebook event, eyemod photo, QuoVadis map, doc, spreadsheet, Zagat restraunt review, etc. and annotate them (for example, highlighting a route on a map screen capture). I've even used this to grab a single frame from a running eyemod movie and mail it to my friends! Granted, this is not freeware, but if you are looking for something that lets you quickly grab a screenshot, annotate it, and e-mail it, this is the application for you.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Down

Does almost what DiddleBug does for $39.95 more?
Does not compute... plus promotes keeping of these notes forever - DiddleBug has a nice feature that allows you to graffiti-enter your note while still viewing it and "flicking" the text to where it needs to go...
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

Standard software for VISOR ?
Handspring should be more aware of our discussions as this application (and others) should be standard equipment !
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

It is interesting to note...
that primarily all of the negative comments regarding BugMe! are from those individuals who are looking for features that BugMe! does not as of yet have, or may not ever get. Fine then get your needs meet with the software you desire and press on. BugMe! does exactly what it is I need it to do and that is entirely the reason I got it. Yes there are other similar products available, but if they do not meet your needs as BugMe! meet mine then why should I acquire them? If you are satisfied with your program and I am satisfied with mine then WHOLA, everybody is happy.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

great program with visorphone
I have been using bugme messenger for a month now and I love it. I have the prizm and visorphone combo and I am able to send and retrieve email where ever I am. I know this may not be the best graphics program out there but it serves its purpose. If I need to jot a quick note down or use a visual alarm, or just sending a quick snapshot of an address to client you can't beat this program with its functionality. What other program out there that could do all this?
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

BugMe is not that bad
Diddlebug is a great app, but BugMe is not too bad as well.
by Anonymous

Thumbs Up

good idea
by Anonymous

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