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PDAapps VeriChat by PDAapps
VeriChat is an always-on, unified Instant Messaging (IM) application for PalmOS devices. On a smartphone, such as a Treo 600, VeriChatT works with your persistent (GPRS/CDMA 1xRTT) or CSD wireless data connection to give you an always-on presence on the Yahoo!, ICQ, MSN & AOL chat networks. Your buddies always see you as online and can send you messages, even when your device is in standby mode, and you can receive and reply to these messages.

Availability: Available
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PDAapps VeriChat from
TreoCentral Store

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PalmVNC by Oliver G�rardin
PalmVNC 2.0 is the latest evolution of PalmVNC, the widely-acclaimed remote control client for the Palm OS�. It supports the improved screen resolutions of the latest models from Sony and Palm, and brings Palm OS� 5 compatibility.

Availability: Available

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Agendus Mail v5 for PalmOS by iambic, Inc.
Agendus Mail Standard Edition
the stunningly powerful and easy to use e-mail application

With Agendus Mail Standard Edition, you can rest assured that all of your important e-mails are readily accessible. Access your e-mail anywhere, without compromise, wirelessly or by desktop synchronization.

With features such as unlimited wireless accounts, POP and IMAP support, native files attachment support, and integrated SMS, Agendus Mail Standard Edition is one of the best in its class.

Agendus Mail Standard Edition comes with full IMAP folders support, an improved interface, portrait and landscape support, extended Treo 600 and 650 d-pad navigation, and so much more.

Get the powerful toolbar and features when you install both Agendus Mail and Agendus for Palm OS Professional Edition

Price: $19.95 (Standard Edition)
Availability: Available
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Agendus Mail v5 for PalmOS from
TreoCentral Store

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mundu Interoperable Messenger (IM) by Geodesic Information Systems Ltd
mundu Interoperable Messenger(IM) V4 - a revolutionary instant messaging technology for all Palm OS wireless devices and handhelds with Palm OS 5.2 & above. With mundu IM V4, your entire community of online contacts will be accessible to you through AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, Gtalk & Jabber IM services. You can carry out a host of real-time, important activities such as photo sharing, file transfer and cross-conferencing across services all with a single user-friendly UI. You can keep a record of your chats and also chat in multiple (international) languages.

Price: $11.00
Availability: Available
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mundu Interoperable Messenger (IM) from
TreoCentral Store

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Facebook for Palm by Palm, Inc
Facebook for PalmOS provides another means to keep you connected.

Respond to messages, upload photos and video, and receive status updates just like you�re on the Facebook website. You can browse your friends' profiles and send out new friend requests.

Availability: Available

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The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile by Mark/Space
Windows Mobile, meet Mac OS X

The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile lets you easily connect and synchronize Windows Mobile Smartphones and Pocket PCs with your Mac.

Availability: Available

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txtForward by Electric Pocket
Get your SMS text messages sent to your email address...

txtForward automatically forwards SMS text messages received on your smartphone to any email address you supply. Using txtForward to send your incoming text messages to email can be useful in a number of different ways...

Price: $19.95
Availability: Available
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txtForward from
TreoCentral Store

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BugMe! Messenger by Electric Pocket
BugMe! is an ingeniously simple note taker and memory jolter. Relevant and useful to everyone who owns a Palm, BugMe! has won many prestigious awards and has a growing, grateful following.

Price: $39.95
Availability: Available

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PalmVNC by Harakan Software
PalmVNC is a remote display system which allows you to view a computing 'desktop' environment on your Palm.

Price: Free
Availability: Available

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The Missing Sync for Palm OS by Mark/Space
The Missing Sync for Palm OS makes it easy to synchronize with Mac OS X apps like Address Book, iCal and Microsoft Entourage, eliminating the need for Palm Desktop and HotSync Manager. Connect over USB, Bluetooth or even Wi-Fi. Includes tons of features never before available on the Mac or on Windows

Price: $39.95
Availability: Available

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NoviiRemote Blaster by Novii
The NoviiRemote Blaster is an SD card accessory plus software that turns your Treo 650 into the ultimate universal remote control.

Price: $34.95
Availability: Available
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NoviiRemote Blaster from
TreoCentral Store

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SHAPE Services IM Plus by SHAPE Services
IM+� Mobile Instant Messenger is a complete messaging solution that allows users to exchange instant messages within the most popular IM systems (MSN�, Yahoo!�, AOL�, ICQ�, Jabber� and Google� Talk) between mobile devices and PCs in real-time.

Price: $39.95
Availability: Available
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SHAPE Services IM Plus from
TreoCentral Store

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Yahoo! Go by Yahoo

If you use many of Yahoo's services and you have a Windows Mobile device, you owe it to yourself to at least give Y!Go a try. I'm very impressed with it.

Availability: Available

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HealthFile Plus by WakefieldSoft, LLC
HealthFile Plus is your complete health and personal medical information organization software for Palm OS handheld PDAs, and it includes PC companion software. Keep track of insurance, emergency contacts, allergies, illnesses, surgeries, appointments, medications, vaccinations, tests, blood pressure, weight, glucose, family history, high cholesterol, and more. Great for people on diets, with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Price: $29.99
Availability: Available
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HealthFile Plus from
TreoCentral Store

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CSOnline V2.2.0. by Conklin Systems
CSO nline is a VT100/ANSI terminal emulator and Telnet client for Palm OS organizers. Connect to Unix systems, configure routers and reprogram embedded computers. Then use Hex mode and extensive logging options turn your handheld into a data stream analyzer and recorder. With CS Online you can leave the laptop behind!
When you see all the features CS Online has you'll know why we call it the Serial Data Power Tool�!

Price: $34.95
Availability: Available

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Kinoma Player & Producer by Kinoma
Anxious to showcase the multimedia capabilities of your Treo? Play AAC songs and watch MPEG-4 video using these Kinoma products.

Price: $29.99
Availability: Available

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Socket OrganizeIT Suite by Socket Communications
The Socket OrganizeIT Suite offers a complete solution for consumers who want to manage their music and movie collection using a Socket SDIO barcode scanner and their Treo smartphone.

Price: $299.95
Availability: Available
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Socket OrganizeIT Suite from
TreoCentral Store

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Enfora WiFi Sled by Enfora
The Enfora Wi-Fi Adapter for the Treo 650 allows Treo 650 Smartphone users to access Wi-Fi hotspots to surf the Internet and send and receive email at high-speed over wireless LANs.

Price: $129.95
Availability: Available
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Enfora WiFi Sled from
TreoCentral Store

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SyncTalk 2.0 by SoDeog
The principal behind SyncTalk is a good and simple one. SyncTalk aims to bring the simplicity of beaming data between two handhelds to ALL handhelds.

Price: $29.95
Availability: Available

>> Read Review (Rating 2/5) <<
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Read Merciful by Casey Adolfsson
