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Massive Hands-On Video of the Palm Pre
TreoCentral was able to spend some time with Palm's VP of Product Design, Peter Skillman. Read on for the 25-minute full hands-on with the Palm Pre!
Hands-On Video of the Palm Pre - with Bonus Q&A with Palm!
We sat down with Palm and got a full hands-on with the device. Click through for the video!
Palm Pre Impressions, Part One
I've attended the keynote, here are my thoughts on the Palm Pre. Read on for TreoCentral's first take on the Palm Pre!
TreoCentral Live at the Palm Keynote - Palm Pre announced
This is the place -- live coverage has begun. Come on in!
Joe Fabris Interview
Dieter and Mike had a chance to interview Palm Exec Joe Fabris about the new Microsoft server software and other Treo-related stuff.
CTIA Roundup
Dieter and Mike round up the CTIA news from this year: New Microsoft announcements, new Facebook app for Blackberries, and a close look at what CTIA says about the state of the wireless industry today.
Hands-on With the Palm Centro
Inside we have a short video of the Centro and our take on whether or not the Centro has what it takes to be a successful device.
Live From Digital Life
Next up: We have an interview with the Centro product manager this afternoon. Latest update: the briefest of hands-on. We'll have a full hands-on later today.
On Foleo, Interview with Palm Exec Brodie Keast
TreoCentral members submitted questions for Palm on the Foleo and we fit in as many as we could get, focusing on the ones we thought we'd actually get answers to ;-) Read on for a video interview with Brodie Keast, SVP of Marketing at Palm, plus a non-TC interview with CEO Ed Colligan.
Palm Announces Foleo
As expected, Palm has released a "Mobile Companion" called the Foleo. It's a "mini-laptop" that syncs up with a smartphone and uses it for connectivity. We're updating the story throughout the day - just added, some early analysis.
CTIA Day 2
The software roundup of CTIA
CTIA, the Show Floor
A collection of highlights from the first day of the full CTIA exhibit.
CTIA Coverage
First Impressions from CTIA
Live from MacWorld: Steve Jobs Keynote
TreoCentral is live at Steve Jobs Keynote, where a possible Apple Phone is rumored to be launched. Updated: By golly he did! Details inside.
Treo 680 Video: Hands-on and Interview
Read on for two videos - a brief hands-on with the Treo 680 and an interview with the device's product manager, Phil McClendon. Both YouTube and a full "HD" version inside.
TreoCentral Hands-on: Treo 680
Palm announced the Treo 680 today at the Digital Life conference in New York City. Read on for the specs and TreoCentral's first impressions.
The 411 on the 2006 CTIA Wireless Show
Last week the largest wireless show in the world, CTIA WIRELESS 2006, took place. 1000 exhibitors, 35,000 attendees, 400 press releases, and one Annie Latham.
Mr. Palm goes to Redmond
Times they are a-changin�� Mr. Palm Goes to Redmond - The Treo 700w First Look Roadshow
Skiing with the Treo
Heading to the slopes or out into cold weather? James looks at some products to take with you.
Comdex 2002
US GPRS next week, new Treo for the Chinese market (we got pictures), Handspring's President on why they left the organizer business, Tungsten W & T, Sony Ericsson P800, Samsung i330, new PDA watch, Gates keynote, new software and more.
Mobius 2002
James Hromadka catches a glimpse of Microsoft's upcoming smartphone.
PC Expo 2002
TreoCentral's PC Expo 2002 coverage. Inside: New video report with show highlights, Kyocera smart phone, Sony, GPRS pricing, Palm OS 5, and some new sofware.
Comdex - A Pictorial Essay
A collection of photos from VisorCentral's recent trip to Comdex.
Comdex 2001 Wrapup
The show is over and the VisorCentral staff made it home safely. Read James' final impressions of the event.
Comdex Fall 2001
Red-M demonstrates their new Bluetooth module, AirPrime showcases the Sprint PCS module, and Handspring demonstrates the Treo and enters the enterprise arena.