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Talkin' Treo - v082407
Finding the way...
Talkin' Treo - v081707
Casing `da joint, looking for clues...
Palm Shows the Palm Centro to Select Audience at Tech Summit in Virginia
Read on for the scoop on a new Palm Smartphone coming to Sprint this fall....
Palm Removes Verizon 700p, 700w|wx ROM Updaters
Just as with the Sprint 700p ROM update, the ROM updates for Verizon Treos are not going well. Update: more information has been posted to the Palm Blog.
Talkin' Treo - v081007
The Week That Was...
Talkin' Treo - v080307
The Promise...
Talkin' Treo - v072707
Rock Steady...
Common Access Card System for Palm Treo Smartphones Now Available
Palm announced a super security solution in a Common Access Card for Treos running WM 5.0 with Direct Push Technology
Talkin' Treo - v072007
Want to Get Away?
Talkin' Treo - v071307
Ginormous & Foleo Fever...
Talkin' Treo - v070607
Slowsky Week... Lucky Day?!
Talkin' Treo - v062907
This is's FINALLY here!
Palm's Q4 and FY07 Finance Results
Palm announced their Q4 and FY07 results today. Even though Palm sold 750,000 Treos, their quarterly profits and revenues were down.
Palm Announces More 3rd Party Foleo Apps
Access 'n Share by Avvenu and the Bluefire Mobile Security VPN are the latest apps announced for the Palm Foleo
Talkin' Treo - v062207
iWon't...kay, Maybe iWill...
Palm Announces 3rd Party Foleo Apps
In a move that Palm hopes will bolster opinion of the Foleo, they announced some 3rd party app support. Games will be coming from Astraware and a PIM app from MotionApps. Plus - a short audio interview with Jeff Hawkins.
Talkin' Treo � v061507
What the...?!?
Palm Cuts Jobs
Looks like Palm has cut an "unspecified number of jobs" days after
announcing plans to sell a stake in the company
Talkin' Treo - v060807
Wow !!!
Seidio Releases 2100 mAh OEM-sized Extended Battery for Treo 755p
Seidio's 2100 mAh Extended Battery for the Treo 755p will be available today
Palm Announces "Recapitalization" and New Additions to their Board
Fulfilling longstanding rumors, Palm Inc. has annouced that a private equity firm, Elevation partners, will invest $325 million. Jon Rubenstein, formerly head of Apple's iPod division, will become new new Chairmain of Palm's Board of Directors. More inside.
Talkin' Treo - v060107
It is what it is... Or is it?
Talkin' Treo - v052507
Holiday (Idol?) Slow-down...
Palm Releases Software Update for AT&T Treo 680s
Palm has released a ROM update for the Treo 680 Smartphone for AT&T
A Couple of Treo News Bites
There are a couple of Treo news items to report; a security patch for the Treo 650, 680, and 700p, and timing for the 700p maintenance release remains on track.
Talkin' Treo - v051807
Coming attractions...Featured presentation...
750 Plays Ball
Two great tastes that taste great together; The Treo 750 and baseball
Treo 755p Now Available at Palm's Website
Palm's website is now offering the 755p, and you can get it without a plan too.
Treo 755p Now Available on Sprint's Website
If you're a Sprint customer, you can now get Palm's newest Treo
Talkin Treo v051107
Out of the Bag, Cases & More
Talkin Treo v050407
Not Sitting on Their Hands...
Talkin Treo v042707
Be a Berry too...
Talkin Treo v042007
And the Treo Keeps Going and Going
TalkinTreo v041307
Palm�s Happy Feet
Palm Launches Company Blog
Palm started a company blog today, starting what we at TreoCentral hope will be a more open style of corporate communication from Palm.
Palm Developing New Linux Powered PalmOS
Palm is currently hosting an "Investor Day" webcast and Ed Colligan just confirmed the long-standing rumor - Palm is developing their own version of a Linux powered PalmOS. Devices using the new OS should be released by the end of the year.
Talkin Treo v040607
Just Want to Have Fun
EMI iTunes Store Music on your Treo Soon
You'll be able to play some iTunes Store Music on your Treo thanks to EMI
Talkin Treo v033007
Happiest (and Busiest) Place on Earth
Palm to update existing Treo 750 to Windows Mobile 6
Palm announced today that they will release an update to Windows Mobile 6 Professional for existing Treo 750 owners later this year. Cingular/AT&T customers will also see HSDPA support enabled.
Talkin Treo v032307
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
Palm Gets Stay in NTP Patent Suit
Palm was granted a stay in the NTP patent infringement lawsuit today
Palm Announces Q3 Financial Results
Palm, Inc. released their Financial Results for the quarter that ended on March 2nd. The biggest news: record sell-through for Treos. Read on for TreoCentral's live coverage.
Talkin Treo v031607
Too Much Madness...
Talkin Treo v030907
Time is A-Changin
Talkin Treo v030207
In Like a Lamb!
Talkin Treo v022307
News, News and Neews!
Palm Gains on RIM in Canada
Lies, damn lies, and statistics? Not so much: Palm doubles market share in Canada against Canadian Company RIM, makers of Blackberries
Talkin' Treo - v021607
Deja vu All Over Again!
Talkin' Treo - v020907
Wet, Wild and More...
Talkin' Treo
Happy Groundhog's Day!
Talkin� Treo � v012607
Kickin� it into Gear!
Talkin' Treo - v011907
Catching up on the News!
Talkin' Treo - v011207
Get Ready to Rumble!
Palm's Treo 750 is Official
Palm and Cingular announce the new Treo 750
Talkin� Treo � v010507
The Year Ahead� Coming Around Again�
Palm Giving Away 3 Treos in CES Blogging Contest
Palm has begun a "micro blog" and will be inviting users to post on it. Read on for details on how you could win a Treo.
Talkin' Treo - v122806
The Year That Was...
ACCESS Releases Hiker Application Framework
ACCESS has released the Hiker Application Framework, which is the industry's first open source mobile Linux Application Framework for commercial use.
Talkin' Treo - v122206
Sunny Side Up...
Q2 FY07 Results: Palm Reports Record-High Sell Through
Palm reported their Q2 FY07 results on Tuesday.
Apple's Phone Won't be an "iPhone"
Apple won't be releasing a phone device called the iPhone. That particular title has already been taken.
Talkin� Treo
Trackin� Treo!
Talkin� Treo
Dueling Players� Got the Power?
Nokia Pulls Plug on PDAapps Software
PDAapps is no longer selling Palm OS applications,
including its very popular VeriChat IM program.
Palm Licenses Garnet Source Code
Looks like the negotiations between Access and Palm have yielded results: Palm now has perpetual license to "use as well as to innovate on the PalmOS Garnet code base."
Talkin� Treo
680 Sightings! PALM Stock--- Hammer Time!
TeleNav GPS Navigator Now Available for Palm Treo 680
Now you can get the TeleNav GPS Navigator for your Palm Treo 680 or other Palm Treo. Don't want to fork out the big cash on an expensive GPS unit for your vehicle? Read on to find out what all you get with Telenav GPS Navigator system for $9.99 a month.
Talkin� Treo
Talkin� Trends�
The Apple iPhone Amusing to Ed Colligan
Palm's CEO doesn't seem too worried about the idea of Apple possibly releasing a phone in the near future.
The Amazing Race: Man vs Machine
The world's fastest texter goes up against Nuance Mobile Dictation.
Talkin� Treo
Treo as �Play� Station, 1 Billion Served & More
Sherwin-Williams Paints Future Using Palm Treo
What does the Palm Treo have to do with Sherwin-Williams? Read on to find out...
The Palm Treo on the Big Screen With Russell Crowe
The Palm Treo was chosen by top director Ridley Scott for "A Good Year" starring Russell Crowe.
Symbol Says "Good-Bye" to Palm OS
Symbol is dropping the Palm OS
Broadcom's M-Stream Technology Gives Vastly Superior Voice Quality to Treo 680
With the M-Stream technology, Treo 680 users will enjoy an enhanced mobile phone experience.
Talkin' Treo
Rabbit Season, Duck Season, Lawsuit Season�
Palm Possibly Wanting More Influence Over the Treo's Software Destiny
Palm might just be trying to gain more influence over the Palm OS.
NTP Sues Palm
NTP, the longtime thorn in RIM's side, has set its sights on Palm. UPDATE: Palm has responded with some strong talk!
Talkin� Treo � v110306
What makes a phone smart?
Access to Release Application Framework
Showing that development on the Access Linux Platform is still chugging along, Access announces that it intends to play nice with the Open Source Community.
Talkin� Treo � v102706
Palm Kicks Back, We Fall Back (on Sunday)
Talkin� Treo � v102006
Got Bluetooth? or Blues Reviews
Treo Spreads Across the Globe
Palm announced today that the 700wx will be available on Bell Canada's network. Previously they announced availability on Mexico's Iusacell Network. The 750v is also getting spread around.
Talkin' Treo - v101306
Talkin� Fruit Stripe Palm�
Palm, Inc. to Announce new Treo on Oct. 12
Palm just announced a press conference for Oct. 12th. TreoCentral will be there live!
Talkin� Treo � v100606
A few favorite things�
Coming Soon: Full Review of the 750v
Read on to get some photos of a Treo 750v from writer Douglas Morse, whose review of the 750v is coming soon.
Talkin� Treo -- v092906
The new 750v arrives in Asia! The places you'll go with your Treo..
VoiceIndigo Simplifies Podcasts on your Treo
Following VoiceIndigo's recent announcement that they've partnered up with Palm to deliver Podcasts, Dieter takes a look at the VoiceIndigo service to see how it stacks up.
Talkin� Treo -- v092206
Let there be light�
New Treo in "Coming Weeks"? Palm Q1 Conference Call
In a conference call to investors, CEO Ed Colligan announced Palm's quarterly revenue, talked about disappointing Treo sales, and once again hinted at an upcoming Treo.
T-Mobile Spends the Most on FCC Spectrum Bidding War
T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint all bought up new wireless spectra from the FCC in order to beef up their future networks.
Talkin Treo -- v091506
V is for...
Palm Announces New Palm Developers Network
With a new cross-platform compatibility test and a new "Made for Palm" logo, the company looks to improve their relationship with developers. TreoCentral's interview with Program Director Mike Rand inside!
Palm and Vodafone Announce 750v, available in Europe in October
Details are trickling in about the new 750v from Palm. Read on for more details - Hands-on impression coming soon! Edits: article updated, Palm says available in "other regions by the end of the calendar year."
Talkin' Treo extra -- v090806
I find a lot of interesting articles while doing research for my column. Unfortunately, due to space and time considerations, I often have to leave them �on the cutting room floor� so to speak.
TreoCentral Store: Rare Black Jabra JX-10
Hard to find anywhere else in the US. Read on for details.
Palm warns about earnings, Colligan hints at upcoming Treos
Palm has warned investors that their upcoming quarterly results statement will be worse than expected, but Ed Colligan leavens the news with hints at GSM Treos.
Preorder the upcoming Treo 750v for Vodaphone
Vodaphone is now taking pre-orders for the Treo that Palm will be announcing on Sept. 12th. There's a teaser-photo, too. Update: check out the link to the Vodaphone Netherlands site!