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The Popular Palm OS
The Palm OS seems to be quite popular of late with Access accouncing Garnet VM Beta 2 for Nokia Nseries and StyleTap coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Tip o' the Week: Job Search v2.0
Brian's tip this week is to let us know about Job Search, a Free Palm OS app that can be quite helpful when you're out there job hunting
Tip o' the Week: tryda Directory Assistant
In this week's Tip o' the Week, Brian talks about a nifty and Free app that puts fast local 411 directory assistance on your Palm OS Treo/Centro.
Tip o' the Week: Balance Your Checkbook!
This week Brian looks at a sweet little app for your Palm OS Treo or Centro that will let you leave your checkbook register at home!
Tip o' the Week: Grab Bag!
This week Brian presents a cool "grab bag" of neat little tricks inside the Treo/Centro. Come on, let's go take a peek inside the bag...
Tip o' the Week: Master the Menu!
I drew inspiration for this week's Tip from our very own forum member, "FastFrank", who responded to last week's Tip with a Tip of his own.
CentroIntro Pt 9: Favorites make Centro dialing fast
Jay turns a squinty eye toward Phone Favorites - quick dials, by another name - and tutors on how to change them.
Tip o' the Week: Contact Lookup
Brian will be here each week to give you tips on using your Treo or Centro. This week the tip is on looking up Contacts.
Palm Centro vs. BlackBerry Pearl: Business Casual or Not Safe For Work?
Mike compares the Centro and Pearl and asks why the Centro can't be a business device
CentroIntro Pt 8: Setting up the Centro Buttons and Colors
In Part 8 of this ongoing series, we customize the buttons on the Centro, change the default colors, and manage our personal information with the third section of the Prefs screen, Personal.
Screen Protector Built-in on Palm Centro?
Palm built-in a permanent screen protector on the Centro. Knowing this, would you still want to buy a 3rd party screen protector?
10 Reasons to Bring Back the VisorPhone
Dig back into the misty mists of yesteryear - do you remember the VisorPhone? It was the precursor for the Treo and it would be crazy to bring it back. Crazy like a fox.
"mtvU and Palm Centro at AT&T Battle of the Bands" Competition
Palm and AT&T are bringing Centro to sponsor mtvU Best Music on Campus 'Battle of the Bands'
Centro Intro Pt. 7
In part 7 of Jay's ongoing Centro Intro series, Jay explains how Bluetooth on your Centro works and also talks about your Centro's internet connection.
Black AT&T Centro Spotting
Someone just let me know that they have a new Black Centro from AT&T!
The Wait for Black AT&T Centro Continues
Still no official word on when AT&T will release the Black Centro and people are eagerly awaiting its arrival
Centro Intro Pt. 6: Making your phone your own
Adjust the Preferences settings in your Centro to fit your time zone, brighten the screen, and set up default ringtones. Here's a beginners' tutorial for all that and more.
Palm Centro Among Top 10 Cell Phone-PDAs
PC World listed the Centro among the Top 10 Cell Phone-PDAs
Foleo-like Devices Bringing Back the Foleo Itch - Part 2
The REDFLY by Celio, one of the Foleo-like devices, is getting some positive feedback, plus it's making my itch worse.
Treo vs. BlackBerry: An In-Depth Analysis - Part II - By Matthew R. Streger, Esq
Matthew Streger used a Treo for years. After many issues with a Treo, Matthew has made the switch over to the BlackBerry OS. The following is Part II of Matthew's comparison article.
The Declining Mobile Software Industry
The mobile software industry has declined dramatically over the last few years. Is the end near?
Modified Enfora Wi-Fi Sled working with Palm Centro
A couple of folks have modified an Enfora Wi-Fi Sled to work with a Palm Centro
Keeping Your Centro Cute (and Protected)
Something as cute as the Centro deserves a case that is equally cute AND can get the job done. Do the new Super Slim cases from Seidio fit like a glass slipper and perform like a champ? Read on.
Migrating From a 700p to a 755p
Palm's 700p Maintenance Release V1.10 renders one of Harv's 700ps insane. He trades �up� to a new 755p. Sounds easy? Think again..
Centro Intro - pt 4: What is so hot about HotSync
Keeping your Centro in sync with your computer.
Centro Intro: pt 3: Dealing with Dialing
How to put contacts into your new Palm Centro: adding a picture, choosing a special ringtone, and implementing birthday reminders.
Is Palm's Next Generation OS called Nova?
Nova seems to be the code-name for Palm's next generation OS
Redfly Mobile Companion Similar to Palm Foleo
There's another mobile companion coming soon. The Redfly Mobile Companion is a laptop-like device that will be used with a Windows Mobile phone.
Centro a Best Choice for Compact Phones in Consumer Reports
The Palm Centro is featured on the cover of Consumer Reports
Centro Intro: pt 2: The Shopping Experience
Getting a new Palm Centro is part of the fun of owning one. Namely, you get to go shopping!
Smartphone Round Robin: Contest Winners and Wrap-up
The Smartphone Round Robin has wound down to the end. Drumroll please... And the winner is....
Winamp Remote Beta - An Early Look.. Turn Your Computer & Treo Into A Media Monster For Free!..
Your computer's loaded with audio and video.. now turn it into your own personal server and stream those gigabytes of entertainment straight to your Treo (or share it with your friends) without uploading ANYTHING!..
Round Robin: Back Home With the Treo 680
I'm back home with my Copper baby at last! Boyhowdy, is it great to be home again!
Round Robin: phone different Mike's Final Treo 680 Thoughts
Mike's week with the 680 is done. Read on to see if Mike thinks that Palm OS is also "done".
Round Robin: Treo Gal's Final Tilt Impressions
My time with the Tilt is done and I'll be shipping it back to Dieter soon. Read on for my final thoughts...
Centro Intro: pt 1: Get to Know Your Centro
That new Centro you just got offers many more features and conveniences than first meet the eye. This article introduces newbies to the world of Palm and Centro.
phone different Mike's Treo 680 First Thoughts
Mike takes a look at a familiar friend and gives his Round Robin first impressions on the Treo 680
CrackBerry Kevin's Final Treo 680 Thoughts
Kevin's week of using the Treo 680 is up. Did he manage another week without his BlackBerry? What did he think of the 680? Read on to find out...
Round Robin: Treo Gal's Initial Tilt Thoughts
In week three of the Smartphone Round Robin, I've got the AT&T Tilt in my possession. What a power packed gadget!
Smartphone Round Robin: Treo Gal's Final Curve Thoughts
I've used the Curve for a week and have enjoyed it. I'll actually even miss it!
CrackBerry Kevin's First Thoughts on the Treo 680
Kevin over at has written up his initial thoughts on the Palm Treo 680
Initial BlackBerry Curve Thoughts
I've been using the Curve this week as my main device. Read on for my initial thoughts...
The Smartphone Round Robin: Final iPhone Thoughts
Well, my week with the iPhone is up. Well, for the Round Robin anyway. Luckily I own the device, and after using it as my main device for a week, I think I'll be using it much more often.
Smartphone Round Robin: WM Guy's First Impressions of the Treo 680 at WMExperts
Deiter's first impressions of the Treo 680 are up over at WMExperts
The Smartphone Round Robin: A Treo User's Take on the iPhone
I've been using the iPhone this week instead of my Treo 680. Read on for my thoughts...
The Smartphone Round Robin!
Starting today, all TreoCentral forum members will have a chance to win a smartphone of your choice in the Smartphone Round Robin. Read on to find out more....
Nine hours of "planned" power outage. Sometimes, life just throws one at you..
Except for his Treos, and thanks to a handful of batteries, Harv spends a day at home in the 19th Century.. file this one under Horror, non-fiction..
Onyx Black Centro Available October 14th in All Sprint Sales Channels
Looks like some people are already getting an Onyx Black Centro...
More on the recent webcast
We have more information on the recent webcast...
Additional Details on Treo Film Festival
The Treo Film Festival is just around the corner, and we have some additional details.
Palm is Listening, Can They Act?
Surprising some and pleasing many - Palm CEO Ed Colligan posted to the Official Palm Blog today in response to a recent Engadget editorial. What does it mean for the future of Palm?
Reinventing the Wheel - Handheld Web Browsers for the Future
Blazer - the Web on your PalmOS Treo. How did we get here? Where are we going? Harv looks at the past, the present, and what the future may have in store for you.
Treo Mobile Comedy Film Festival
Palm is having a Treo film contest so get your Treos ready to shoot some funny movies...
Breaking Up is Hard To Do
Mike Overbo mulls the impact of the iPhone on a Treo user -- while he prepares to wait in line at the Mall of America. "$599 for an 8 GB iPhone. $150 in contract breakage. No more free calls to my wife (!). Seriously, what happened?"
Foleo Q and A
TreoCentral members submitted questions about the Foleo for us to ask Palm. We got to as many as we could, but not all. Read on for Dieter's best guesses as to what the answers actually are as well as the transcript for our interview with Brodie Keast
700p ROM "Maintenance Release" Temporarily Removed
In an update to a previous post in the Official Palm Blog, a Palm rep has stated that while Sprint's release may yet come today or tomorrow, the Verizon release will be later. Read on for more information. Update: Sprint's update is available now. Update 2: Palm had to temporarily take the fix down.
A Conversation with Jeff Hawkins
In an impromptu (and unexpected!) conversation with TreoCentral, Jeff Hawkins riffs on the Foleo, on the history of his "three categories" of mobile devices, and more.
My Palm Beta Site
Palm has launched a new website to help Treo onwers get the most out of their device. Let's take a look...
700p ROM Update to be Released Week of May 28th
After missing a self-imposed deadline to fix long-standing problems with the 700p, Palm announced today at their blog that the will be released in a little over a month.
Treos Everywhere
Our favorite Palm device is getting pretty darn popular. The Treo seems to be popping up everywhere lately.
Access is Demoing ALP at 3GSM
It looks like Access is gearing up for things to come
Treo 680: First Impressions and Treo 650 Comparison
Jennifer recently got a Palm Treo 680 and she gives her first impressions of the device.
CES Favorites
Tim tells about his experience at CES 2007 and talks about his favorite CES devices.
CES Amusements
Enough with the gadgets, what about the spectacle of CES? We saw some shows, we saw some great cars, and we saw some stuff that just defies explanation. Read on for the final tidbits of TreoCentral's CES coverage plus a little bit about what may be keeping threaded text messaging from the 700w|wx.
CES Roundup, Days 3 and 4
We're back from CES and (slowly) recovering from the insanity. Read on for some photos of a few gadgets and neat non-Treo (and non-iPhone) phones coming out soon.
CES Roundup, Day 2
We looked at more gadgets and got some great face to face time with Palm's product managers. Read on for more CES tidbits.
Commentary: A discussion on the iPhone
Will the iPhone kill the Treo? What effect will Apple have on Palm? TreoCentral's
Michael Ducker and Dieter Bohn are both gigantic fans of Apple and of
Treos - read on to see what they have to say to each other about the
iPhone's potentially huge effect on the Treo.
TreoCentral CES Roundup, Day 1
Read on for some details and photos from our first full day at CES 2007:
We went to some panels, hit the show floor, and of course saw some cool little gadgets.
Palm Conference Call - What's to Come in '07?
Another quarter, another conference call. Dieter listens in and does his best to read between the lines
Treo Stocking Stuffer Ideas from the TC Store
Tim and Dieter give some Christmas stocking stuffer ideas from the TreoCentral Store.
Palm Responds to Open Letter
Palm Senior Product Manager Steve Sinclair has written a letter detailing his thoughts on the 700p ROM and on Palm's communication strategy.
Forum Member Writes Open Letter to Palm Asking for Clearer Communication
Forum Member Bob-C has written an open letter to CEO Ed Colligan asking for better communication about future updates and bug patches. Many other members have signed-on to the letter based on experiences with Treo 700p issues.
WWW (Weekend Without Wireless)
I have a new definition for WWW: it stands for weekend without wireless.
TreoTrip (to the hospital)
Jay takes two Treos on a short, expensive, unpleasant trip and lives to tell about it.
I like the Treo 680
Is the Treo 680 perfect? No. Is it a great smartphone that meets the needs of a large swath of consumers that aren't currently using smartphones? YES! Read on for "Take 2" of Dieter's impressions of the new Treo 680.
Nokia Creates Alternative to Bluetooth
Nokia has announced "wibree," an alternative to bluetooth that is supposed to use less power. Read on to see why Dieter thinks this is just plain nuts.
Hands on Preview with the Treo 750v
TreoCentral met with Palm today at CTIA to talk about the Treo 750v, and see it first hand! Video Interview and impressions inside.
This is a PalmOS user's brain on 700w
"Hm. I hear this operating system is hard to use. Aw, look, it has plusses to tap when you first start it just like the PalmOS! ...But why so many?" Listen in on a longtime Palm user's stream of consciousness as he opens his first Windows Mobile 700w and fiddles around.
Some details emerge about PalmSource's upcoming OS
In a written interview, a PalmSource exec elaborates on some details of their upcoming Operating System, ALP. Some details are tantalizing, but there's also much that's unsaid.
Traveling with the Treo: St. Louis
James goes to a conference and a baseball story breaks out
Palm's founders reflect on the history and future
In over 46 minutes of podcasts, Guidewire Group recently spoke with all three company founders - Jeff Hawkins, Ed Colligan and Donna Dubinsky - as well as several key players who have been with Palm since the beginning.
TreoCentral Reflects on Ten Years of Palm
It's been quite a ride for the company. A look back at the past ten years.
Live at CES 2006
You heard about the Treo 700w, but there is a lot more than that happening at CES. We have some of the other Treo related items, inside.
A trip down memory lane
With the Treo 700w release expected later this week, we thought it would be nice to take a trip down memory lane of past Treo releases.
Treo 700w makes first FCC appearance
The upcoming Windows Mobile Treo, also known as Treo 700w, has made an appearance on FCC's website. Due to confidentiality requests to FCC by Palm, only limited information has been made public.
Treo Trip
After a much-needed vacation abroad, James offers some tips for users intending to take the Treo overseas.
Interview with Greg Shirai about Windows Mobile Treo
Read TreoCentral's brief interview with Greg Shirai, Director of Product Marketing with Palm regarding the Windows Mobile Treo.
Connectivity in the face of an emergency
The cellular networks in Houston are saturated and almost useless, and Hurricane Rita is still two days away.
Help the victims of Hurricane Katrina
Please donate to the Red Cross.
The Rob Haitani Interview
September 3rd, 2004, we asked TreoCentral users "What do you want to ask Rob Haitani of PalmOne?". After much delay on our part, we bring you the long awaited in-depth responses to your TreoCentral user generated questions.
An ode to the ringer switch
Technology based poetry and the inside scoop from the beginnings of the Treo.
The Cycle of Apple and Palm
James has some thoughts on the similarities that the two companies have had over the years.
Editorial: The power of the Palm brand
The recent purchase of the Palm Trademark Holding Company by PalmOne has Michael Ducker questioning why PalmOne shared the Palm brand with Palmsource in the first place.
The Treo and You
Sometimes it is the little things that makes one appreciate how important the Treo is
Will the multimedia Treo ever exist?
Palm OS devices cannot play music purchased from the major online music stores, nor is there one application that can handle all major multimedia. What's the problem? Poor bundling. An editorial by Michael Ducker.
Time's "Gadget of the Week"
The Treo 650 has been choosen Time Magazine's Gadget of the Week. "To date, the most successful marriage of PDA and phone has been the Treo ... Having taken it for a test drive I can say it delivers most of what it promises."
The Treo's Future
In four years, we've gone from the VisorPhone to the Treo 650. What does the future hold?
P50 the Treo slayer? Not quite.
Ever since its first appearance early 2004, people have called BenQ�s P50 a Treo killer. Having spent a little bit of time with the device, we think they should reconsider.
International CES 2005 Coverage
A dry convention for Treo 650 news, but International CES 2005 still has some goodies in store.
palmOne is moving
palmOne has announced plans to move its headquarters to Sunnyvale from Milpitas.
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