Browse by Date: June 2002
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PC Expo 2002
TreoCentral's PC Expo 2002 coverage. Inside: New video report with show highlights, Kyocera smart phone, Sony, GPRS pricing, Palm OS 5, and some new sofware.
Treo 90 in stores near you
Handspring announced that the Treo 90 is now available at retailers nationwide.
Use your Treo as a Modem
They said it couldn't be done, but Scott Gruby managed to turn your Treo in a modem anyway.
Handango Champion Awards
Handango honors some of the exceptional software available for the Palm operating system.
Treo 300 approved - in Canada
The Sprint Handspring Treo 300 has been approved for use by the Canadians.
Treo expansion possible with CF Jacket
A German company is currently developing a CF Jacket for the Treo, but need your feedback before bringing the product to market.
GPRS upgrade in beta
Handspring has internally released the beta version of the GRPS patch.
Final day to trade up to Treo 270 or Treo 180
Today is the last day to take advantage of Handspring's Treo upgrade offers.
T-Blaster, a Giraffe program set in the future
Blast away the Treo keyboard learning curve with this FREE game from Astraware and Handspring.
Treo 300 in July
According to Fortune Magazine, the Sprint CDMA Treo will be out in July.
The Future?
Michael brings us a first look at what the Treo 90 really is all about.
Final Palm OS 5 sent to Handspring
Will the future Treo models use it?
New Version of QuickOffice Available
Cutting Edge Software releases version 6.0 of its popular office suite.
Treo 90 shipping, available in stores
Several readers have received their Treo 90 orders, and some even picked up units from local stores.
On-the-Go Route Planning
TripPilot allows route planning and can even download maps wirelessly to the Treo.
Treo's unknown features
Add a clock to the speed dial, check your battery status, as see flip flip!