Browse by Date: September 2007
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Talkin' Treo - v092807
Grand Centro & More...
Hands-on With the Palm Centro
Inside we have a short video of the Centro and our take on whether or not the Centro has what it takes to be a successful device.
PR: Official Centro annoucement
Press release: Palm Centro brings Palm ease of use to traditional mobile phone users for $99.99, exclusively from Sprint. Also, Palm's Centro website is now live.
Live From Digital Life
Next up: We have an interview with the Centro product manager this afternoon. Latest update: the briefest of hands-on. We'll have a full hands-on later today.
Sneak peek of the Palm Centro
Sprint just dropped some news on us: The new Palm Centro arrives October 14th for just $99.99. TreoCentral's Dieter Bohn is at the official unveiling (starting 12:30PM EST), a full hands-on report and interviews with product managers to follow later today.
Palm and Sprint Announce DigitalLife Press Conference on Sept. 27
Palm will be announcing a new smartphone for Sprint tomorrow. Will Palm announce the Centro?
Palm Re-Posts Verizon Treo 700 Series ROM Updates
After being pulled for causing network connectivity issues, the ROM updates are finally back (but not without a little drama, of course).
Treo Software Roundup
In this round we have updates to Backup Pro, Propel, Bonsai 4, FlexMail, Battery Pack Pro, and some new Treo software...
Talkin' Treo - v092107
: - ) Don't Worry. Be Happy!
Review: Kinoma Producer 4, Part One
Kinoma Producer 4 is THE easiest way to get your video off your computer and on to your Treo, Palm handheld, Sony PSP, or Apple video iPod. Dozens of built-in encoding presets optimize your video to deliver the smallest file size and best playback quality either off your SD card or over the air.
Palm Canada and Rogers Wireless Deliver the Treo 750 Smartphone
The Palm Treo 750 is the first Treo to run on the Rogers' High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) network. Update: it's running Windows Mobile 6!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 28
Super-sized TreoCast! We examine the Foleo cancellation (good, but tough, call); Dieter overviews the Treo 500v drama (not high-end, but not meant to be); the Centro (still looks like a mini-755p); and finally Mike takes a closer look at the new members of the Palm Board of Directors. We have some oldies-but-goodies from the forums too.
Talkin' Treo - v091407
It's all Good...
Additional Details on Treo Film Festival
The Treo Film Festival is just around the corner, and we have some additional details.
4SmartPhone Announces Partnership with Palm to Offer Hosted Exchange to Small Businesses.
The popular 4SmartPhone push email service is branching out, they're setting up full Exchange services for "Growing Businesses."
Palm Launches Treo 500v in Europe
As expected, Palm has announced its first non-touchscreen Treo, a Windows Mobile Standard-edition smartphone. More inside.
Palm Treo 500 Image Surfaces
In what appears to be confirmation of earlier speculation about the Palm Gandolf, a new image has appeared of the Palm Treo 500. Read on.
Treo Software Roundup - v091007
We have a ton of Treo software for you to look at this week! In this round we have updates to Google Maps for Palm OS, Navigator, TreoWeather, Softick Audio Gateway, and some new Treo apps like mTools, WLink, Resco BrainGain, GPS Skinner, and more...
Talkin' Treo - v090707
Foleo Cancelled!
In a surprise move today, Ed Colligan announced on the Official Palm Blog that they are CANCELLING the Foleo. More inside.
What's Coming Sept. 12th? Update: Probably the device codenamed Gandolf
Update 2: Oops again! It's *NOT* the Centro. More inside. Over the weekend Palm Europe posted a teaser page: A new smartphone is coming Sept 12th. What is it going to be?
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 27
In today's TreoCast, we'll address that Engadget open letter, the new Centro leaked image, take a peek at what "industry analysts" are saying, answer some listener mail, and hit up the forums.
Treo Software Roundup
In this round are updates to the Kinoma Player 4 EX Media Guide, Trip Boss, beta 2 of Opera Mini 4, and more....