Browse by Date: August 2006
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Blackberry Connect available for Cingular Treo 650s
Finally, Palm, RIM, and Cingular have sorted out Blackberry connect. It's available now.
Talkin Treo -- v082506
Coming out of the woodwork... Treo competitors make their move.
TreoCentral Wiki and Wiki Contest
TreoCentral has started a new wiki for Treo information. Add or edit articles for a chance to win prizes from the TreoCentral Store!
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 1!
(Now in the iTunes Store!) TreoCentral's first podcast! In this episode: Palm's new Treo announcement, Treos on a plane, two bluetooth headsets and two cases, how to listen to podcasts on your Treo, and the latest from the forums.
Palm to Unveil Next Treo Sept. 12th.
Reuters managed to get a few details about Palm's upcoming Treo for Vodaphone's network.
Talkin Treo -- v081806
I Just Want to Fly...
Flip-Lid Class Action Lawsuit Settled
A two-year old class action lawsuit over the flip-lid on the Treo 180, 270, and 300 has just been settled. Another one is still ongoing.
Woe is Me(mory)
There's about 25 megs of RAM available for programs on the 700w. This makes the Treo 700w's vaunted multitasking a chore at times. Here are some tips on how to deal with it. UPDATE: the Windows Mobile Team Blog describes how WM5 manages memory.
Talkin Treo -- v081106
Patience Young Skywalker
Trippin with my Treo 700w
W is for wandering. Tim drives to a meeting hundreds of miles from home, and here is how he used his 700w on the trip.
Talkin� Treo -- v080406
Treos for Travelers, Music to Our Ears
WolframTones: Ringtones for Geeks
The makers of the math program Mathmatica bring us an intriguing free ringtone service.
Hidden Treasures: The Treos' other calculators, Part 3
How to use those other calculators and converters in your Treo 650 and 700P.
Interesting Tidbits in Palm's Annual Statement
A lot of sites are buzzing about a warning found in Palm's annual statement. What's all this really about?