Browse by Date: November 2007
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Talkin' Treo - v113007
Post Holiday Clues & Much More...
Round Robin: Treo Gal's Final Tilt Impressions
My time with the Tilt is done and I'll be shipping it back to Dieter soon. Read on for my final thoughts...
Centro Intro: pt 1: Get to Know Your Centro
That new Centro you just got offers many more features and conveniences than first meet the eye. This article introduces newbies to the world of Palm and Centro.
Treo 755p Teaser Page at Verizon
Verizon has posted a teaser page on their site saying that the Treo 755p is coming soon.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 33
This week we chat a bit about Palm on Nokia tablets, why we love 3rd party apps, and a bit more about the Smartphone Round Robin. Plus: gobs of listener emails and the forums
Happy Thanksgiving from TreoCentral
We hope you had a happy Thankgiving!
phone different Mike's Treo 680 First Thoughts
Mike takes a look at a familiar friend and gives his Round Robin first impressions on the Treo 680
Talkin' Treo - v112107
Talkin' Turkey, Black Friday and other Ponderables...
CrackBerry Kevin's Final Treo 680 Thoughts
Kevin's week of using the Treo 680 is up. Did he manage another week without his BlackBerry? What did he think of the 680? Read on to find out...
Round Robin: Treo Gal's Initial Tilt Thoughts
In week three of the Smartphone Round Robin, I've got the AT&T Tilt in my possession. What a power packed gadget!
Treo Software Roundup - v111907
In this roundup we've got Plantastic! from Astraware, Voice on the Go, updates to Reset Doctor, mSafe, PhatNotes, and more...
Talkin' Treo - v111607
Smartphone Brotherhood, Turkey-Day Slowdown Commences...
Access Releases Garnet VM for Nokia Tablets
Access, the company who (in addition to Palm) owns the PalmOS, has released a Virtual Machine that allows PalmOS applications to run on Nokia's Linux-based Internet Tablets.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 32
Dieter and Mike talk about Android, the Centro, and the Smartphone Round Robin. They also discuss the serious need to come up with some new catchphrases. Of course, they take a gander at the community.
Smartphone Round Robin: Treo Gal's Final Curve Thoughts
I've used the Curve for a week and have enjoyed it. I'll actually even miss it!
CrackBerry Kevin's First Thoughts on the Treo 680
Kevin over at has written up his initial thoughts on the Palm Treo 680
Talkin' Treo - v110907
The Truth is Out There...
Initial BlackBerry Curve Thoughts
I've been using the Curve this week as my main device. Read on for my initial thoughts...
Treo Software Roundup - v110507
This week we have some new Treo apps such as Line Rider Mobile, SIM-Save, and Resco Defender, and some updated apps like TreoWeather, SecureApp, and 3D Lawn Darts.
Google and Many Others Announce Android
The "gPhone" is actually an open-source, Linux-based Operating System, sound familiar? **Update**: Palm has weighed in.
The Smartphone Round Robin: Final iPhone Thoughts
Well, my week with the iPhone is up. Well, for the Round Robin anyway. Luckily I own the device, and after using it as my main device for a week, I think I'll be using it much more often.
Talkin' Treo - v110207
Rockin' Robin, Fallin' Back & Bugaboo Too..