Browse by Date: January 2007
2001: January, February, March, August, October, November, December 2002: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2003: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2004: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2005: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2006: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2007: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2008: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2009: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2010: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2011: January, February, March, April, May, June
Treo 101: A Palm OS guide for new owners, Part 1
Got a new Treo? This series of articles passes along some hints, tips, and general information to help you get acquainted.
Talkin� Treo � v012607
Kickin� it into Gear!
700p on Alltel, plus Verizon Has Cameraless Palm Treo 700p
Those of you who are with Alltel and have been waiting for the 700p, smile! And some of you have been wanting a Treo 700p without the camera. Verizon has it.
ACCESS Debuts New ACCESS Powered Logo and Palm OS is now Garnet OS
So ACCESS has a new ACCESS Powered Logo and has replaced the Palm OS to Garnet OS. Read on.
Palm Brings Microsoft's Direct Push Technology to Palm OS Treos
With Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync(R) Update, Versamail now supports direct push on exchange servers.
Treo 680 Sync Cradle Compatibility Issue
Palm has posted a section in their Support Knowledge Library regarding the Treo 680 and the compatibility of sync cradles.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 11
In this episode we talk about the iPhone, wrap up our CES coverage with some speculation about mobile computing's future, hit a bunch of news tidbits, and check out the forums.
Talkin' Treo - v011907
Catching up on the News!
Palm Posts Software Update for Treo 680
Palm has posted the Treo 680 Camera Update to address the battery problem on the Treo 680.
Treo 680: First Impressions and Treo 650 Comparison
Jennifer recently got a Palm Treo 680 and she gives her first impressions of the device.
CES Favorites
Tim tells about his experience at CES 2007 and talks about his favorite CES devices.
CES Amusements
Enough with the gadgets, what about the spectacle of CES? We saw some shows, we saw some great cars, and we saw some stuff that just defies explanation. Read on for the final tidbits of TreoCentral's CES coverage plus a little bit about what may be keeping threaded text messaging from the 700w|wx.
CES Roundup, Days 3 and 4
We're back from CES and (slowly) recovering from the insanity. Read on for some photos of a few gadgets and neat non-Treo (and non-iPhone) phones coming out soon.
Talkin' Treo - v011207
Get Ready to Rumble!
CES Roundup, Day 2
We looked at more gadgets and got some great face to face time with Palm's product managers. Read on for more CES tidbits.
Commentary: A discussion on the iPhone
Will the iPhone kill the Treo? What effect will Apple have on Palm? TreoCentral's
Michael Ducker and Dieter Bohn are both gigantic fans of Apple and of
Treos - read on to see what they have to say to each other about the
iPhone's potentially huge effect on the Treo.
TreoCentral CES Roundup, Day 1
Read on for some details and photos from our first full day at CES 2007:
We went to some panels, hit the show floor, and of course saw some cool little gadgets.
Live from MacWorld: Steve Jobs Keynote
TreoCentral is live at Steve Jobs Keynote, where a possible Apple Phone is rumored to be launched. Updated: By golly he did! Details inside.
TreoCentral TreoCast Episode 10
We're back from our unannounced hiatus and in a new year, so there's a lot to talk about in this podcast. The new Treo 750 on Cingular, the conclusion of the 700p ROM update drama, and more.
CES: Sling Media Announces Palm OS SlingPlayer
We knew it was coming from the "Palm" Logo found on the latest Slingboxes, but now it's official: SlingPlayer for Palm OS coming Q1 2007
Palm's Treo 750 is Official
Palm and Cingular announce the new Treo 750
Talkin� Treo � v010507
The Year Ahead� Coming Around Again�
Palm Giving Away 3 Treos in CES Blogging Contest
Palm has begun a "micro blog" and will be inviting users to post on it. Read on for details on how you could win a Treo.